New Assyrian Article

(AINA) — On January 21 Iraq’s Council of Ministers, under the leadership of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, approved a plan to establish
three new provinces in Iraq to accommodate the legal rights of three distinct groups that are integral members of Iraq’s ethno-religious
mosaic (AINA 2014-01-22). We congratulate the government of Iraq for this historic and groundbreaking decision that recognizes the
rights of three distinct groups of its citizens, particularly the indigenous Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs), who are the
inhabitants of Iraq from the time immemorial.
This decision marks a pivotal point in the life of a new Iraq and its drive toward democracy, security and cultural preservation for all its
inhabitants. It is also a testament to the years of tireless effort….For more on this article go to new assyria article