The Bible tells us of a man that was born in the twentieth century. He is an ethnic Assyrian, and will be an Iranian citizen. He has an aspiration to restore the ancient nation of Assyria to their original lands in northern Iraq. His ambitions will grow until he desires to control the whole world. In his heart he will say, I will destroy nations not a few. This is his story.
“I am Asshur, the chief god of Assyria, from time and the beginning.”….”Pul. You must never question my direction, my timing or requests. You must be obedient without reservation of mind, quick to act when needed, and patient to sit when told. I will choose your friends and your enemies. I will also give you access to intelligence gathered by my ministers. I will fight every battle in the spirit before you will engage the enemy…. Then, as fast as they came, the group of spiritual beings disappeared.
Sean say’s “The systematic destruction of the nations is tracking just like the book of Daniel lays it out. Joel’s army will be coming soon to judge the nations. Issac asks, “So where do we go?”
Allen, Your deep understanding of the Biblical prophetic scriptures is a rich blessing. It enables you to wisely led in weaving specific Bible verses in the ongoing narrative, very good.
Dr. Robert Hooley, Pastor and Author.