Allen Bonck

Allen, an American citizen, was an electrical designer for more than 40 years in the engineering field. He retired from engineering to devote full time to his passion of bible studies and particularly bible prophecy.
He completed bible college in the mid 1970’s and went on to teach bible college for over twelve years, on the subjects of bible prophecy and comparable religions. He also founded a research institute in the 1980’s to educate Christians on the different religious groups and cults operating in America at the time and how their doctrines and activities lined up with Biblical teaching. Allen closed the institute when he began writing books, he felt that he could reach more people thru the books.

His first book is on the subject of America in prophecy, (which is an extension of one of his bible college courses) he believes that America is found within the end time Babylonian scriptures.
His second book is a study on the Antichrist and how he is connected ethnically to the Assyrian people. This connection is in large part ignored by prophecy teachers at this time, but is critical in understanding the pre-perdition rise of the man of peace.
The third book is a study of the Daniel’s Leopard beast (from chapter seven) with four heads and four wings, and the fourth beast which takes away the leopards dominion in the middle east. Allen believes that the ten horns will be an extension of the NATO alliance, a ten commander military force designed to defeat militant Islam.
In addition to the books Allen has developed a YouTube video series called “The Prophecy Project”. This series allows Allen to explain firsthand what he sees in scripture, it covers America in prophecy, Asshur the Assyrian, NATO’s participation and many other prophetic subjects, even some teachings on Angels and their part in the end times. The prophecy project is an ongoing effort and Allen will add to it as time and funding allows.
Allen is also a song writer and singer and has produced -with the help of many talented Nashville musicians – his own album of original music. The songs are available to listen to on this site.